German state broadcaster ARD aired a documentary that shocked many conservatives, neoliberals and hardliners accord the German country. The documentary with the title “The trail of the Troika – Power without Control” , a documentary produced by RBB from network ARTE showed to Germans a different approach to the Greek debt problem.
The story went more or less like this:
The euro member states did not want Greece to go bankrupt in 2010 in order to protect German and French banks, which were exposed to almost €40 billion Greek debt and were afraid to lose the money.The documentary shows interviews with Greeks and Portuguese jobless, bankrupt tradesmen, unionists etc. And an interview with Greek finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who described the bailout over bailout as a crime against humanity:
Therefore, the international community was pumping taxpayers’ money into the Greek financial system. Billions of money that did not reach the common people. In the same course, the documentary said that the Greek people have been incapacitated up to the current day by the non-democratically legitimate bureaucrats of the Troika, have been systematically ruined, cut off from health care – in a word, humiliated.
“Clever people in Brussels, in Frankfurt and in Berlin knew back in May 2010 that Greece would never pay back its debts. But they acted as if Greece wasn’t bankrupt, as if it just didn’t have enough liquid funds.”
“In this position, to give the most bankrupt of any state the biggest credit in history, like third class corrupt bankers, was a crime against humanity.”
Video: ARD/ART Documentary in German
Some conservative German media, criticized the documentary as a “training on SYRIZA” [ideology].
But what is interesting is that some of the interviews seems to have been conducted some time in summer 2014 and before elections of January 25th, that brought SYRIZA in power.
OK, complaining about the Troika and the austerity makes you “SYRIZA”…
But Greek with or without SYRIZA is not alone with its debt. On the possibility that if the Nationalists of Marie Le Pen may win the March elections in France, German media started already to beat the drums against France.
German magazine FOCUS published an article with Title “High Debt, No Growth: Forget Greece – France is the problem zone of the Euro” and described the trillion-debt country as “Greece with Eiffel Tower.”
Analysts expect Italy to be next on the eurozone countries list with trillion debts that neither the eurozone nor Germany can solve. Ops! The European Central Bank prints now money – 60 billion euro per month – to buy Bonds from the debt-ridden countries, mainly Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
PS and we will all live happily ever after in the much-beloved Eurozone…
Sources on the ARD/ARTE documentary Die Welt, Forbes
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